Friday, March 23, 2012

Be honest, even if its horrible. Especially if its horrible.

Last night I went to the midnight showing of The Hunger Games. There will be more posts about it later- both the book and the movie and what I thought.

I was the 3rd person in line last night. Since we were the early ones, we got a lot of attention from the news crews. One of the guys was someone I know. Someone I've played Magic the Gathering with on more than one occasion at a local shop. So the familiarity allowed me to swallow most of the issues I have with talking to strangers.

He asked me what I thought of the book. Some how the bent I went on was that soon enough, people could be watching their kids in the Hunger Games. I brought up that so many books and shows and movies have gone down that bent in recent years. And they've been popular. Stuff doesn't become popular unless people can relate to it somehow. Look at V for Vendetta- it (the movie and the graphic novel) are very popular. Yes, the movie differs quite a bit from the novel, but still. Look at the people who have adopted wearing a Guy Fawkes mask for protests. Most Americans had no idea who the man was before V for Vendetta. And now look. It's become a symbol of rebellion here. And now with Hunger Games, we're getting the younger ones involved. And they're talking and their parents are talking.

And that's what scares the crap out of people. That is why people who go off like I did aren't getting air time. So many news outlets are bend towards "its too violent, don't go see it." Really? Since when has something being too violent stopped an American? I do fear though that the government will stop it. That conservative pressure will stop the other movies from coming out. Look at His Dark Materials. Golden Compass came out, people loved it. Where's the other ones?

When I got done with my mini rant last night, my friend who was next to me said, quietly "they're gonna send Peacekeepers after you." I laughed it off. But now that I think about it, I can see it. The Patriot Act allows law enforcement to kick down my door and take me away for saying anything bad about the government. Even though it is our constitutional right to overthrow the government if we don't agree. If the government can arrest you and hurt you (maybe even kill you) over free speech, then aren't we already on our way to the Hunger Games?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I will post more later, I promise! Will hopefully start posting almost everyday if I can... Meanwhile, look for me on one of the places under "Stalk Me", I'm at least one of those everyday