Sunday, October 20, 2013


Every other tattoo I've gotten I've just throw a picture up online and been like "hey guys, new tattoo!" This one is different. This one is special.

I've always had a thing for the water. Omaha is known as River City.

The Missouri River is the life of Omaha. I've taken plenty of walks along it. It connects with the Platte River down in Plattsmouth. I used to live down there. I've swam in the Platte at Two Rivers and Mormon Island. I try to spend as much time in the summer at a river or a lake.

I lived in Texas for a while. Spent some time around the Gulf. Took Anna to visit the Gulf once.

Also spent time at Tempe Town Lake in Arizona.

Then nearer to us and always a fun trip is Sioux Falls in South Dakota.

If I had the pics on hand, I'd also put up pics of me out on the water. Swimming. Playing in the Gulf. Kayaking at Walnut Creek. The water calls to me and I love it.

As many of you know, I play Werewolf the Apocalypse. There's a tribe in there that follow Uktena as a tribal totem. Uktena is a water spirit. Part cougar, part snake, part deer. Uktena is the keeper of secrets and the opener of ways.

For many years, this watched over me in my room:
It's a painting I did of Uktena many, many years ago. (It's based off the Uktena in the background of the Tribebook.) Pay attention to the symbol. It's the symbol for Uktena as the totem. 

One day this summer I was floating in the lake at Louisville and thinking about what I want to do with my life. I've semi solidified what I want to do. I have been taking the first steps out on to that path. I'm attempting to put my best foot forward. While floating there, I got an image, a flash of a tattoo on my foot. And that's what lead to this:

It's the symbol used in Werewolf for the Uktena tribe. It fits. It fits more than any of the other tattoos I've gotten before. (At least it does for me.) It's the first one I got because of spiritual guidance and I love it.

Now that I've rambled, you can go back to your lives. LOL. Thanks for reading though...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Be honest, even if its horrible. Especially if its horrible.

Last night I went to the midnight showing of The Hunger Games. There will be more posts about it later- both the book and the movie and what I thought.

I was the 3rd person in line last night. Since we were the early ones, we got a lot of attention from the news crews. One of the guys was someone I know. Someone I've played Magic the Gathering with on more than one occasion at a local shop. So the familiarity allowed me to swallow most of the issues I have with talking to strangers.

He asked me what I thought of the book. Some how the bent I went on was that soon enough, people could be watching their kids in the Hunger Games. I brought up that so many books and shows and movies have gone down that bent in recent years. And they've been popular. Stuff doesn't become popular unless people can relate to it somehow. Look at V for Vendetta- it (the movie and the graphic novel) are very popular. Yes, the movie differs quite a bit from the novel, but still. Look at the people who have adopted wearing a Guy Fawkes mask for protests. Most Americans had no idea who the man was before V for Vendetta. And now look. It's become a symbol of rebellion here. And now with Hunger Games, we're getting the younger ones involved. And they're talking and their parents are talking.

And that's what scares the crap out of people. That is why people who go off like I did aren't getting air time. So many news outlets are bend towards "its too violent, don't go see it." Really? Since when has something being too violent stopped an American? I do fear though that the government will stop it. That conservative pressure will stop the other movies from coming out. Look at His Dark Materials. Golden Compass came out, people loved it. Where's the other ones?

When I got done with my mini rant last night, my friend who was next to me said, quietly "they're gonna send Peacekeepers after you." I laughed it off. But now that I think about it, I can see it. The Patriot Act allows law enforcement to kick down my door and take me away for saying anything bad about the government. Even though it is our constitutional right to overthrow the government if we don't agree. If the government can arrest you and hurt you (maybe even kill you) over free speech, then aren't we already on our way to the Hunger Games?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I will post more later, I promise! Will hopefully start posting almost everyday if I can... Meanwhile, look for me on one of the places under "Stalk Me", I'm at least one of those everyday

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Piercings and the evil TSA

I linked to an article on my Twitter feed (@glasswalker) about a woman who was forced by the TSA to remove her nipple rings. I have a love/hate relationship with this story.
On the one hand- you have the TSA doing what they do best- harassing innocent people. As a heavily pierced female, I know that they tend to make you take them out. And its crap. But they do it cause they can. For future reference, they should be given piercing pliers to let people use. They work backwards and are designed for captive bead piercings.
On the side of being heavily pierced (and tattooed) and knowing proper after care- what was this lady thinking? She said it was painful because the skin had started to grow around the piercing. That's bad care on her part. Even a shit shop will tell you to move the piercing around as it heals to prevent that. If that was happening with hers, the TSA did her a favor by saving her surgery. I know nipple rings can hurt- I had them done. I also had one of mine rip out. They're horribly sore while healing.
Another fail on her part- not removing them ahead of time. When I fly, I take a small pill bottle or bag with me- and put all my piercings in there to go through the check. Simple enough.
On a side note- I will be avoiding flying like the plague with all these new rules. I get twitchy (sometimes violently) if strangers touch me. So I'm gonna avoid airports and the groping that comes with. I prefer to drive anyway.
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Monday, July 20, 2009

energy drinks...

So the new 5 hour energy drink commercials have started to piss me off...

"Would you eat 12 teaspoons of sugar?" Yes I would. Throw those 12 teaspoons in some water, and we call that KoolAid.

5 hour energy and it's other energy "shot" companions fall in the same category- they taste disgusting. They don't wake you up by what's in them- they wake you up by the taste. Trust me. I've tried a bunch of them. You wake up cause your tastebuds are going "Sweet fuck, what the hell did you do to me?!" *goes to vomit* Trust me- they're some of the most disgusting things I've ever tasted. I had one that was listed as "chocolate"... Just thinking about that one makes me remember the vomit...

I will stick to my tasty energy drinks. Thank you much.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

cell phones...

So- yesterday I found a phone in the parking lot at work... I picked it up, noticed that it still worked. Then I noticed that it had 15 missed calls from the same number. So I called the number back, and left a voice mail. When it got a text message, I responded back and got no response. Finally, the phone rang, I picked up and it was the owners grandmother. So I got it arranged for them to pick it up today.

Where the rant is coming from- I went through the phone trying to find a worthwhile phone number or some other info to figure out who the phone belonged to, and found nothing. What the heck????

So I went through my phone...
- Contact list- mom, dad, brothers, wife... obvious if you scroll through.
- Myspace, logged in
- Facebook, logged in
- Messenger, auto login
- AIM, auto login
- my home page for the internet on my phone is my Twitter
- one of my bookmarks is my Blogger
- the weather app on my phone has my zipcode

Damn. With like 5 minutes of messing around on my phone, I could go stalk myself... LOL. So it'd be easy to get my phone back to me if someone honestly tried like I did with the phone yesterday.

And- monetary rewards keep honest people honest. :) LOL. If someone found my $300 phone and went out of their way to give it back, I'd give them something. Heck, even $5. Something! I know that there's the whole thing where you should just do good things and get good things back... LOL.

I think I'm done now...
Im officially a massive geek. Having your blog tied to your phone has to be the final step to crazyness.