Thursday, April 30, 2009

the kingdom is crumbling....

what's new with the Raven? The Raven thinks this font sucks... How about that?

Still can't feel my hand... Don't know if I put that up here yet... Half of my left hand went numb like a month ago. I can still use my hand and do everything with it- I just can't feel it. LOL. I'm starting to get used to it.... That's the really weird thing.

Working my butt off. Still working close, open, close, open. Leaving work a 830 or 9pm and being back by 8am. It's starting to really kick my ass. Especially when we're really busy at work or when I'm cleaning everything... That's a big thing right now too- we're cleaning like crazy because upper management is doing a walk through in a couple days. 

I think I'm going to keep this short... I would write more- but my arthritis is acting up and I'm finding it harder to type than usual. :(

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