Monday, July 20, 2009

energy drinks...

So the new 5 hour energy drink commercials have started to piss me off...

"Would you eat 12 teaspoons of sugar?" Yes I would. Throw those 12 teaspoons in some water, and we call that KoolAid.

5 hour energy and it's other energy "shot" companions fall in the same category- they taste disgusting. They don't wake you up by what's in them- they wake you up by the taste. Trust me. I've tried a bunch of them. You wake up cause your tastebuds are going "Sweet fuck, what the hell did you do to me?!" *goes to vomit* Trust me- they're some of the most disgusting things I've ever tasted. I had one that was listed as "chocolate"... Just thinking about that one makes me remember the vomit...

I will stick to my tasty energy drinks. Thank you much.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

cell phones...

So- yesterday I found a phone in the parking lot at work... I picked it up, noticed that it still worked. Then I noticed that it had 15 missed calls from the same number. So I called the number back, and left a voice mail. When it got a text message, I responded back and got no response. Finally, the phone rang, I picked up and it was the owners grandmother. So I got it arranged for them to pick it up today.

Where the rant is coming from- I went through the phone trying to find a worthwhile phone number or some other info to figure out who the phone belonged to, and found nothing. What the heck????

So I went through my phone...
- Contact list- mom, dad, brothers, wife... obvious if you scroll through.
- Myspace, logged in
- Facebook, logged in
- Messenger, auto login
- AIM, auto login
- my home page for the internet on my phone is my Twitter
- one of my bookmarks is my Blogger
- the weather app on my phone has my zipcode

Damn. With like 5 minutes of messing around on my phone, I could go stalk myself... LOL. So it'd be easy to get my phone back to me if someone honestly tried like I did with the phone yesterday.

And- monetary rewards keep honest people honest. :) LOL. If someone found my $300 phone and went out of their way to give it back, I'd give them something. Heck, even $5. Something! I know that there's the whole thing where you should just do good things and get good things back... LOL.

I think I'm done now...
Im officially a massive geek. Having your blog tied to your phone has to be the final step to crazyness.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

praying for daylight

wow, the font options blow....

So.... You like how I don't update this that often, huh? LOL. I used to blog like every freaking day. I think I Tweet everyday though... LOLZ.

Been working my butt off. Been slacking in the football practice department. I've just been so busy at work that I have no energy when I get done. Then I broke a finger beginning of the week, and now my hand is cramping from it. Then one of the dogs chewed up my inhaler. Freaking awesome. I hate how it sounds like I'm making excuses. Tina says that I shouldn't worry to much about it. But I hate it. I feel like the team feels like I'm just making excuses. Grrrrrrr.

I think I'm not going to write much else. Don't have my thoughts together and my hand is killing me. Fun times.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

the kingdom is crumbling....

what's new with the Raven? The Raven thinks this font sucks... How about that?

Still can't feel my hand... Don't know if I put that up here yet... Half of my left hand went numb like a month ago. I can still use my hand and do everything with it- I just can't feel it. LOL. I'm starting to get used to it.... That's the really weird thing.

Working my butt off. Still working close, open, close, open. Leaving work a 830 or 9pm and being back by 8am. It's starting to really kick my ass. Especially when we're really busy at work or when I'm cleaning everything... That's a big thing right now too- we're cleaning like crazy because upper management is doing a walk through in a couple days. 

I think I'm going to keep this short... I would write more- but my arthritis is acting up and I'm finding it harder to type than usual. :(

Sunday, April 19, 2009

in the city of wonders...

For future reference- I attempt to title all of my blogs with music lyrics...

Had a football game in Houston last night. We beat them 40-34. ("We" is the Austin Outlaws. lol)

Driving through Houston sucked because it was POURING when we were driving there. Streets were flooding. Rawwwwrrrrr.

Just got done mowing my yard with a weedwacker. LOLZ. And now I'm covered in grass and need to go take a shower.

And that was short and sweet.... Meant it to be longer... 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Welcome to the Revolution

The Hippies said  "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised." But that was years before the Information Superhighway began shuttling our minds to a realm that even the most drugged-out hippie couldn't imagine. I'm here to tell you that not only will the revolution be televised- it will be on YouTube, on Podcast and MySpace. I will be blogged, downloaded and text messaged. You no longer have to leave the house to participate in the revolution. You need only a computer or cell phone or iPod. You need only to login and shoutout. One video, one blog, one MP3, one uploaded picture- that's all it takes to start this revolution. This Revolution WILL be televised, so feel free to stay home because all you need to do is get online and let your feelings be known. Because right now- All of us on MySpace, YouTube, LiveJournal, Facebook, Flickr or Twitter can do a lot more than any of those hippies ever dreamed of. It's here, it's now- Welcome to the Revolution.


So I just went through and changed everything. Muyhahahahaha. Still working on trying to get all my stuff organized...

I need to find a dashboard that puts MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and LiveJournal all on the same page. I hate having to switch back and forth between stuff. 

Let's see if I can keep this updated this time. LOLZ. If not- hit me up at